Hey Momma-
You are doing it. You are showing up every single day. You are waking up every day to refill the sippy cup, make the lunches, sharpen the pencils, and you are mathing, creating, scheduling, disciplining, cuddling, cleaning, bathing….etc…etc…etc…the list goes on and on. The bottom line is you are doing a lot of stuff! You are doing a really hard thing while the world is in the middle of its own hard thing.
I’m here to celebrate you today! As you wipe bottoms, dry tears, and clean noses I want to tell you–all of it is noticed. You are noticed. You are seen. You are loved. I may not know your name but I know the One who does. And, I can tell you with confidence that He sees you (Genesis 16:13). He sees your heart full of love for your children. He knows you have fears, doubts, and questions. He knows the areas you are afraid and the places where you don’t feel like you are good enough.
But can I just encourage you? You are who He chose to be their mom. You are the one He sent to do all the things a momma does for that child. He didn’t send the mom you see who is super crafty to raise your kids or the one who seems to always have it together. He sent you. And because Jesus is more than enough, you are more than enough for your kids–even in this hard season.
As you keep on going, keep on giving, keep on loving, remember that He is with you (Hebrews 13:5), He is for you, and He chose you (John 15:16).
In the moments where you feel tired and weary let His love refresh you (Psalm 34:18). As your children receive love from you, remember to receive love for yourself from our good Father as you are a daughter too (Matthew 3:17).
Celebrating you,
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