The unknown is risky. The unknown is hidden from us until it isn’t. We say no to the unknown because we are afraid of the cost. And maybe that’s the greater risk we just can’t see it.
Risking requires releasing control, and we don’t want to give that up. The unknown requires a guide, and we are too independent for help. The costs can’t be measured so we dismiss it. We forget the benefits can’t be measured either.
You get to choose. If you choose risk you get to exchange control for trust in Jesus, exchange independence for God-dependence, and realize Jesus already paid the cost so there is nothing left for you to pay.
I believe, in saying no to the unknown you actually risk more than you could ever lose by saying yes. Take the risk, go into the unknown, with hope that the freedom you’ll experience is far greater than the things you think you’ll lose.
Dare to receive Jesus for you.
Dream with God.
Do what He asks you to do.
What is your dream for 2019?
Reflect & Apply
- Where is God asking you to take a risk this year? Is it how you spend your time, is it getting to know Him, is it forgiving that loved one?
- Right now, ask God what his dream is for your life? Write down what you hear in your journal.
- Invite someone to help hold you accountable for seeing God’s dreams come true in your life this year.
Jessica Brinkley says
Yes! All the way yes. Love this. I’m ready to risk it all.